Justice for Vanilla

I am a foodie , I just love to cook and eat . The equation is simple Sad Me+Food= Happy Me . So this thing has been bothering me for quite sometime and I want to share my views and know your opinions .

Here are some honest feelings ,

So we get Vanilla ice cream in white color , and playing with primary and secondary colors . Mixing red and white and making pink is good . We are following the same concept in our ice cream also . Before I thought about it , I too used to mix my strawberry and Vanilla ice cream together and sometimes even chocolate and vanilla . The thing is Vanilla is a strong flavor in itself , and Vanilla bean is one of the most costly spice in the World and the bean is black in color , if the vanilla ice cream was black in color would you still mix it up with other flavors . I want some justice for Vanilla , I want it to be recognized like chocolate ( chocolate is my favorite though ) . It is a very strong flavor once you close your eyes and eat it I think you would appreciate it more .

Colour and Flavour are so important when we perceive our food.

Vanilla needs some recognition not just a flavor to be mixed with other flavors , it is so complete in itself.

What is you’re opinion about Vanilla ?

Do you feel the same about food or am I too emotional about food.

I can clearly see myself reading this after a few days and laughing at this post . Hope you smile too .

100 thoughts on “Justice for Vanilla

            1. We need to run some tests on you . Please stop talking about chocolate , I am starting to question you’re existence . Jokes apart it’s okay ,but I have never met a person who hasn’t eaten chocolate in like 5-6 years .

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  1. Very eye catching caption and interesting post too !!! As you said I was smiling throughout reading this 😄
    I have a very big sweet tooth and having something sweet (esp. chocolates) relax me… makes me and keeps me happy!!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I agree with you 100% . I consider VANILLA the QUEEN of all the flavors. I think there is nothing equivalent to the unaltered pleasant aroma of vanilla! It is unbelievably good! I don’t think anyone on earth could resist the intoxicating smell of vanilla. I collect vanilla like gold ….. Tahitian and Madagascar vanilla are the best! I’m so glad you brought this up, I’m so happy to find somebody who feels the same way about vanilla! 😀

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Same pinch for the chocolate………. Same same……..
    I knew a guy who had his ice cream I don’t know which flavour, mixed into, ketchup……

    He said he likes the tango flavour……

    I could never really sleep that night…..

    Knowing there exist a guy who eats ice cream with ketchup

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I am a strong supporter of Vanilla. I love vanilla ice cream! While I am a fan of other flavors (yes, even chocolate) vanilla is by far my go-to. So yes, it’s time for Vanilla to get the recognition it deserves. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Haha my Dad LOVES vanilla ice cream! By the way, I wanted you to know that I nominated you for the Awesome Blogger Award, courtesy of my friend Maggie. No pressure to answer the questions; just wanted you to know I appreciate your blog 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

        1. What an amazing event! Thank you for sharing it with us, Your descriptions were great. It certainly looks like THE foodie event to attend, your photos have my mouth watering and I’m very impressed with what you decided to do with your / the cow’s rump.

          Liked by 3 people

    1. "Hintojen nousu vähentää kysyntää. Ihmiset ryhtyvät ostamaan halvempaa ruokaa, esim. nautasikajauhelihaa tai lihapullia tai nakkeja sisäfileen ja graavilohen siqjtta.&auos;Tähän vielä lisäisin, että halvemmissa tuotteissa ei välttämättä ole yhtään sen pienemmät katteet. Joten hintatason nosto ei välttämättä senkään takia pienennä kauppojen voittoja

      Liked by 2 people

            1. You have to wonder how they keep screwing the people and gain reelection unless the only ones that vote are the beectanfors of their crap. We are really so screwed in this facade of a Democracy!

              Liked by 3 people

    1. : Je crois que ça peut être bon mais que la cuisine moléculaire est ce que l’art contemporain est parfois à l’art : un peu abstrait, pas toujours accessible au commun des mortels, souvent obscur. Ca se déiecratmsora certainement un jour comme pour l’art contemporain (faut voir les agendas de Ben) et on aura de la cuisine moléculaire au Mac Do. qui sait ? 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    2. “szabvány fantasy csapat olyan városias környezetbe került, ahol elfek, gnómok, törpék és irda ogrék élték polgáriasodott életüket (…) ember faj odakint a bukszusosban – talán – meg messze a hegyekben, nomádként, kÅ‘ és csontcuccokkal.” Ez jó, egyszerű alapötlet de hangulatos. szeretem az ilyen kifordított, megcsavart szituációkat Amund :A Mesél az ErdÅ‘t hová sorolnád?


  6. FOM!Eu tenho medo de montanha russa e nunca saio muito feliz delas, por isso deixei de ir. Acho que continuarei micagagando de filme de terror Рmesmo. HAUHHUSIAUISHA (E ṇo se perde o medo ṇo! isso aqui "Por que voc̻ quer, afinal. Mas e o medo?" vale pra outras coisas obscuras, ou ṇo vale? HEUHSUSHE)

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Szia Max!Jól eltüntem! Ez a vizsgaidÅ‘szak kiborít!Szóval: most értem be a kertbÅ‘l szettem egy kis epret, és megkostoltuk az ajánlásod után tejföllel, cukorral, hát mit mondjak TE TÉNYLEG TU!Ze!!!!!!!D!!!IstSni volt!Lovagiasan kitértél a ,,férfikérés” alól, oké értek a szóból, ki vagyok kosarazva!Alig várom, hogy elteljen a június, és süthessek, fÅ‘zhessek!Puszi Nektek: Csilla


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